This weekend (Saturday, 9am to 6pm), I will be with Austin Green Art at the Sunset Valley ArtFest in conjunction with the Sunset Valley Farmers' Market. Come check it out.
~ Sunset Valley ArtFest ~
~ Earth Day Pictures ~
Earth Day was a lot of fun. I sold a bunch of koozies, taught a few people how to crochet with plastic bags, and made some new friends. Here are my pictures:
~ Earth Day at Republic Square Park - Plastic Bag Art ~
This weekend (Saturday 9am-6pm) Austin Green Art will be installing the Baggy Booth for the Earth Day event at Republic Square Park. It will be the same set up as the Clean Sweep - lots of plastic bag projects and fun collaborative art. I will be manning the booth and showing some of my creations. Come check it out:
~ Austin Clean Sweep - Plastic Bag Art ~
I collaborated with Austin Green Art and several other people to make little booklets of plastic bag projects. They were handed out at the Austin Clean Sweep. Here is an online version:
Here are a few more plastic bag projects I found online that didn't make it into the final book:
Unfortunately I was out of town this past week and wasn't able to make it to the Austin Clean Sweep. It looks like it was a great time though. I got to display my plastic bag crochet projects, there was interactive plastic bag art, Virginia was there with her bag-o-matic kits, and there were hands on tutorials about fusing plastic bags. Here are some pictures: